

Hockey Australia

Hockey Australia National Registration Terms and Conditions

By registering with Hockey Australia Limited (HA), one of its Member Associations, regional associations or affiliated clubs (each, an Australian Hockey Organisation or AHO), you (and, if you are under 18 years of age, you and your parent or legal guardian whose name and details appear in the requisite fields):

  1. Apply to be admitted as a registered participant of the AHO.

  2. Agree that the information provided by you is current and correct at time of registration and will be updated by you as required within one month of any change.

  3. Acknowledge that the personal information that the AHO collects from you may be used and disclosed for the purposes set out in the Australian Hockey Privacy Policy (located at https://www.hockey.org.au/integrity/) including: administering and marketing competitions, activities and other events; and the provision of hockey-related information and communication from AHOs. You may opt out of your email being used for communication purposes by contacting the AHO and/or managing your communication preferences online.

  4. Acknowledge that the AHO may use third parties to collect your personal information, or give them your information to help run hockey, or as required by law (such as IT providers, venue operators or survey providers). The AHO will always act in accordance with the Australian Hockey Privacy Policy.

  5. Agree to be bound by and comply with all rules, regulations, by-laws, codes of conduct, policies of the AHO, and directions, determinations and decisions made by the AHO and as amended from time to time, including the National Integrity Framework (NIF). This NIF includes, without limitation, the Code of Conduct, Member Protection Policy, Safe Hockey Framework, Anti-Doping Policy and Competition Manipulation & Sport Wagering Policy. Copies of current rules, regulations, by-laws and the NIF may be downloaded from HA’s website at https://www.hockey.org.au/integrity/ or from the website of the relevant AHO. Without limiting the application of the Australian Hockey Code of Conduct, the AHO may terminate your registration at any time, including if your participation or behaviour interferes with any other participant’s safety or enjoyment of hockey.

  6. Acknowledge and accept all risks involved in training, competing and otherwise participating in activities related to or forming part of your membership of the AHO and your registration to participate in the sport, including the risk of transmission of viral illness including COVID-19 and you have considered that risk, including any vulnerability that you may have.

  7. Warrant that you do not have a known pre-existing medical or other condition which makes it unsafe to participate in hockey competitions, activities and other events and agree, if requested by the AHO, to provide a certificate from a duly qualified medical practitioner certifying you are fit to participate.

  8. Become entitled to level of insurance protection as detailed on the Hockey Australia Website. This insurance level is not intended to be comprehensive cover and it is recommended that you investigate applicable insurance needs and cover in relation to participating in hockey competitions, activities and other events.

  9. Must notify the AHO in writing if you wish to cancel your registration. Following the AHO’s confirmation to you of your registration cancellation, you will have no entitlement to the benefits that attach to registered participants in Australian Hockey. Refunds will only be provided in the circumstances set out in the Hockey Australia Refund Policy.

  10. Consent to the AHO using your name or image (including photographs) in any form or medium for general marketing and promotional activities related to the sport of hockey in Australia. If you do not wish to consent to your name and image being used please notify the AHO.

  11. Acknowledge that the AHO may apply additional terms and conditions in relation to your registration, including, but not limited to the collection of your personal information.


  1. Australian Hockey Code of Conduct


Each AHO is committed to promoting and strengthening the positive image of hockey and its participants in Australia and to ensuring that everyone involved with hockey is treated with respect and dignity.


The Australian Hockey Code of Conduct aims to ensure that everyone involved in hockey is aware of the standards of behaviour expected of them and the mechanism for dealing with any conduct that is alleged to breach the Code of Conduct. Schedule 1 to this Code of Conduct also includes “position statements” to outline other forms of conduct that would be considered inappropriate within our sport.


Acknowledgement of this Code of Conduct is a requirement of your registration.

  1. Safe Hockey Safe Kids Code

Each AHO is committed to ensuring the safety and wellbeing of all children and young people who are involved in our sport.


The Safe Hockey Safe Kids Code (captured in Schedule 2 of the Australian Hockey Code of Conduct) provides specific expectations of any adult in hockey who is in contact with a child or young person whether they are in a coaching role, or just a member of a club who shares the environment with children and young people. We aim to build a culture where we all play a part.


Acknowledgement of this Safe Hockey Safe Kids Code is a requirement of your registration.

15Got Something to Report?

If you see, hear or experience any suspicious or unwelcomed activity relating to child safety, bullying, cheating, doping, gambling or match-fixing, report it confidentially to the Hockey Australia Integrity Unit or the Hockey Integrity Hotline.

Email integrity@hockey.org.au to contact the Hockey Australia Integrity Unit


Contact the Hockey Integrity Hotline online or by phone:


Phone: 1300 30 45 50

Hockey Queensland

Hockey Queensland Member Registration Terms & Conditions

Registration Disclaimer:  By registering as a member of Hockey Queensland, you agree to comply with the rules, constitution, regulations and by-laws, codes of conduct and member protection policy of Hockey Australia, Hockey Queensland, your Association and your Club.

Current registered players and non-playing officials will be covered by the Sports Injury Insurance Policy provided by Hockey Queensland’s agent Honan’s Insurance.  In consideration of your application or registration being accepted, you acknowledge and agree that:

  1. Release and Indemnity:  On consideration of the Association accepting your application for registration, you, to the extent permitted by law, release and will release the Association from all claims that you may have or may have had, but for this release arising as a result of, or in connection with, your registration and/or participation in any Hockey activities;
  2. You will be bound by and agree to comply with the constitutions, regulations and policies of Hockey Queensland, the Association and Club;
  3. You acknowledge that you are exposed to certain risks and that accidents can happen, which may result in you being injured or your property being damaged;
  4. You declare that you are medically and physically fit and able to participate in any Hockey activities.  You will immediately notify the Club and Association of any change to your medical condition, fitness or ability to participate.

Hockey Queensland Privacy Statement:  Hockey Queensland is committed to the protection of your personal information.  Any personal information you provide to Hockey Queensland will be used for the purposes and related purposes of registration administration, registration statistics for research, developing and managing new and existing programs, for strategic and planning purposes, for the promotion of hockey in Queensland, for communicating and providing information to participants about their registration and/or their involvement in programs and competitions, including those of sponsors and other general hockey activities.  Hockey Queensland will not disclose any personally identifiable information obtained from you to other parties or for purposes other than those stated above.  It is the policy of Hockey Queensland to comply with the Privacy Act.  Personal information about you is only obtained from information provided by you.  This data is collected by Associations (and Clubs) affiliated with Hockey Queensland.

Registered players and non-playing officials can change or gain access to their personal information or advise their wishes for their personal information to not be used for any of the above purposes by contacting their Association/Club or by contacting Hockey Queensland.

Hockey Queensland Use of Image Statement:  Hockey Queensland reserves the right to use at its discretion, any photographic material of you in any form of media, art, advertising, promotional material, merchandise or film coverage for the purposes of publicity and /or marketing, without any compensation to you or approval by you.

If you do not consent to the use of your image, please contact the Hockey Queensland office in writing via email – hqoffice@hockeyqld.com.au

Hockey Queensland Refund Disclaimer:  Hockey Queensland acknowledges there are certain circumstances that my warrant a refund of the registration fees.  In this instance, submit a request for refund with detailed reason for refund via email to hqoffice@hockeyqld.com.au.  If the request is approved, the full Hockey Queensland Registration fee will be refunded minus and administration fee.  Note: The Insurance component of the fee will not be refunded if a player has taken the field.  Requests for a refund of Hockey Australia fees must be made directly to Hockey Australia.

Hockey Queensland Dual Registration Disclaimer:  Any player wishing to “Dual Register” for the current season, ie: play for two Clubs within two different Associations, must have met Hockey Queensland’s requirements for Dual Registration as follows:

  1. Player has completed registration online to their Primary Club for the current season and paid the relevant Hockey Queensland player registration fee at the time of registration;
  2. Player has requested permission from their Primary Club and Association, and obtained approval from them to dual register with a Secondary Club within a different Association for the current season;
  3. Player has advised the Secondary Club of their intention to dual register with them for the current season and provided the required documentation from the Primary Association;
  4. Final acceptance of dual registration is at the discretion of the Secondary Club based on the appropriate approval processes being undertaken with the Secondary Association.

In addition to the above requirements, a dual registered player must agree that the Primary Association has the right of first of refusal for selection in any representative teams, and subject to any agreement to the contrary, a dual registered player agrees that their first priority will be with their Primary Association and Club.



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